God’s Word Becoming Flesh In Us

The day had come for the auditing. Since I was at that time holding the post of Accounts Superintend in the college where I was working, I entered the office with a little tension, though I had kept all files ready for auditing. I had kept a little box of ‘Bread of Life’ (Word of God) in my drawer, from which I used to take a message every day before I start my work. That day when I opened the box , what I picked up was Isaiah 41.10. “Have no fear, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will give you strength, and bring you help, I will uphold you with my right hand”. I felt quite at ease after getting that message as it cooled down all the fear and anxiety I had within. The auditors came at 10 am and as usual started with the auditing of the account files. I had the previous experience of auditors making unnecessary queries and finding fault with the maintenance of something or the other. But that day there was no such queries and I kept thanking the Lord for fulfilling His promise.

After lunch break, before starting my work also, I used to open the ‘Bread of Life’ box. Quite surprisingly what I picked up was from the same book, but different verse: Isaiah 41.13. “For, I, the Lord, your God take hold of your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you”. I believed that everything will go smoothly. By evening the auditing of all the files which I handle was completed and there were no negative comments from any one of the team of auditors. I lifted my heart to the Lord in thanks giving as I walked out of the office after my work.

That evening was the weekly prayer meeting for the hostel students. I shared this experience with the students, and thus God gave me a chance to build up their faith in God’s word. Yes, every promise in the Bible is meant for us, and we need to believe in it and claim it. I entered into Charismatic Renewal by attending a retreat preached by Fr.Marcellino Iragui , a Spanish Priest. In one of his books he has written:

“There are three steps:

1.  God promises;
2.  Man responds;
3.  God fulfills His promise.

We usually skip the second step and hence God cannot fulfill His promise”

Is it so in our lives? We respond to God’s promise, when we believe what He says and claim the promise. Then we will experience the faithfulness of God and we can feel the thrill of God’s word becoming flesh in our lives. No wonder, inspired by the Holy Spirit Prophet Jeremiah said: “When your words were found, I devoured them; your words became my joy and the delight of my heart” (Jer.15.16). Along with the Psalmist we can say: “Your words O Lord are sweeter than honey” (Psalm 119.103).


                                Courtesy: ‘Hope with God’

Mary Pereira.